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Hertzsoft conducts consecutive 3 Expert Lecture in M. H. Saboo Siddik Polytechni

 Category: Training

Hertzsoft’s Founder & CEO, SAQIB GHATTE conducted consecutively three expert lectures on “Python Programming” in the month of December 2019 at M.H Saboo Siddik Polytechnic, Mumbai. These three

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Hertzsoft celebrates Second Hertzsoft Day

 Category: Events

We are elated to announce that Hertzsoft Technologies has recently completed 2 years of its glorious journey on 19th December 2019. Every small step has been worth celebrating. These past years have b

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Hertzsoft launches New Logo on 2nd Hertzsoft Day

 Category: Updates

Today we’re launching a new logo, as we start to refresh our look in general. We loved our old logo, and look, and know many felt the same. And yet, here we are to explain why we decided to evolve i

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Hertzsoft celebrates First Birthday

 Category: Events

Hertzsoft celebrates it’s first birth anniversary on 19th December 2018. The success story of a startup depends entirely on its team. Each member of our team represents the very spirit of the compa

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Hertzsoft migrates to new office location

 Category: Updates

We are excited to announce that our team has moved to a new location at Mumbai near Sandhurst Road Railway station. Our new office is located at Room No. 14, Ground Floor, 15-B Siddika Manzil, Mohamm

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Hertzsoft now registered as a Private Limited Company

 Category: Updates

Hertzsoft was started by group of 9 people gathered together in March 2017. Thereafter they started working very hard for growth and success of the company but it was very necessary to register the fi

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Hertzsoft Organizes 2-day Free Workshop on Java Programming

 Category: Training

Hertzsoft organized a 2-day workshop on Java Programming on 30th September & 1st October 2017 at Nagpada, Near Mumbai Central. It was organized free of cost and was open for all the students. The work

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